mammograms came out fine with no indication of anything unusual there was a negative factor that I ought to take into consideration in making the decision. He told me of a research study done on older males with carcinoma of the prostate who had been put on estrogens for control of the cancer. It turned out that they compared a group who were given estrogen with a control group that was not and found a statistically different result between the two in terms of vascular dis- ease. That is, those who received estrogen had a higher incidence of blood clots, strokes or cardiac problems. He pointed out that it was not just a miscellaneous few causes but enough so that there were two groups, those getting estrogen and those who weren't and that the results in the two groups differed in statistically significant ways. Ob- viously, the doctor was not fascinated with the idea of my taking anymore hormones.
Since I have gotten on famously for the last three years without any hormones and since it was really not a big thing to me to go back on the hormones, I accepted his advice and passed it by. My reason for writing about this is to alert those of you who are taking or considering taking hormones, about this matter. I know the urge well- I was there — but this new factor - which wasn't known when I began taking hor- mones does add another negative factor to the equation, and one which you should give serious thought to. If you are seeing a doctor for your shots or pills, I think it would be wise to talk to him about it. If you think you are playing it smart and are acquiring hormones by non- medical means, I suggest that you stop and think a bit or consult somebody who knows. Clots, strokes and heart attacks can seriously lessen the pleasure of having those breasts (if it goes that far) or just of knowing that you have female hormones in you. Think about it!
Security is a pretty important matter for a great many of you. I know it and I've tried all these years (15 of them now) to consider the security of my readers and of the members of FPE. Many of you have been very concerned when you first made contact with me for Transvestia about how the merchandise would be shipped and whether it could identify you as an FP, etc. Many of those who have joined FPE have been very worried about the application and their safety because of having made a written commitment on the applica- tion. In short, most everyone is concerned about their own security but sometimes fail entirely to recognize that other people are equally con- cerned about their's.